Prelude to Math

Reduction from 3SAT to VERTEX-COVER

Since I now seem to be the sole author posting on this blog, I feel liberated to take this in my own direction.  I have a part-time academic life outside of my fairly-demanding full time job, and it’s hard to find time to devote to really developing an intuition for some of this esoteric academic stuff.  I am trying to involve myself in research in theoretical computer science, which of course is just applied mathematics.  I have the best intentions each time I commit to reading some paper or watching some video on some topic I’m trying to learn, but more often than not I just can’t (won’t?) make the time.

For a while now I’ve thought about writing blog posts about these ideas I’m trying to understand.  As a student, I’ve found math and computer science blog posts extremely helpful for understanding some esoteric idea.  Just seeing the concept framed outside of a classroom or research paper perhaps makes it feel more accessible.  And so I want to try my hand at this.

I still plan to write about my favorite bands and traveling.  There is more to life than studying, after all!  Hopefully these blogs will help me understand what I’m trying to learn, and maybe they will help someone else.  Whatever happens, I’m excited to contribute a little more to my obscure little corner of the Internet.


Author: Becky

Goth, rivethead, sci-fi junkie, math and computer-science student. AKA "nerd."