South America – Day Zero

It is the day before Christina and I leave for South America. I’m sure I’m forgetting a long list of very important things, but right now I feel ready for the trip. Well, as ready as I know how to be. I’ve tied up all loose ends at work and am ready to disconnect for 2.5 weeks. My suitcase is packed. I have my visa for Brazil. I’m ready for mountainous terrain, and I’m ready for the Amazon.

So where are we going on our 19-day trip? Well, glad you asked:

Peru – Lima, Cusco, Sacred Valley, Ollantaytambo, Aguas Calientes, Machu Picchu, Puerto Maldonado, Amazon

Argentina – Buenos Aires, Iguazu Falls

Brazil – Foz do Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro

Right now these are just names, some imbued with mystique, some just labels on distant places I never thought to experience. I can’t wait for all of these places to become alive for me in the coming days.

I’m going to try to keep something of a travel diary here. I started to do this two years ago when we went to South Africa but stopped after the first day. I wish I’d actually kept it up. You can only experience a place for the first time once, and I want to remember as many details of this trip as possible.


Author: Becky

Goth, rivethead, sci-fi junkie, math and computer-science student. AKA "nerd."