

(Note: This article contains spoilers on the stories of several older RPGs, and one new one.  If you have not completed any of Final Fantasy IV, Phantasy Star II, Final Fantasy VII, or Final Fantasy XV, you should probably skip this article.  It also contains a spoiler for the movie “Project X”, but you don’t care about that.  If you are still interested in reading about this author’s difficult weekend, please scroll down until you see a trio of asterisks, and read only below.)

As a grown man who has played over a million role playing-games, I have seen my share of video game death.  Most of it was at the hand of my avatar, slashing bloody swaths through tortured souls who have been consumed by the shadow of darkness, or megalomaniacal despots bent on resurrecting 1000 year old demon-gods.  Somewhat less frequently, I have borne witness to the loss of friendly faces and trusted allies- parents of a hero, a mayor of some pastoral town, or in the most tragic of circumstances, a member of my own party.  Yup, if you need someone to be present at the melodramatic end of some role-playing character’s life, you can count on my fat carcass being in the right place at the right time.

And I haven’t cared about a one of them.

Continue reading “Affected”

Role-Playing Games I’ve Written (Part One)

8-bit-rpgI’m a man of many ideas, most of them unquestionably terrible.

Not ideas of the “screen-door on a submarine”, or “no-stick frying pan” variety, as such concepts require some combination of imagination, technical savvy, and ingenuity, and I possess only one of those three qualities.  Most of my ideas fall into the category of “creative fiction”, and as such, take the form of writing which consists of mind-bending (and sometimes nonsensical) plot-twists, dialogue both as witty and lacking in substance as real-life banter, and fantastical world building and lore which is left to rot on the vine for lack of dedication to the moments in between.  None of these in and of themselves make for particularly satisfying reading, and so my career as an author was stalled at an early age.

Continue reading “Role-Playing Games I’ve Written (Part One)”